* Function Name: CySysClkWriteImoFreq
* Sets the frequency of the IMO.
* PSoC 4000: The SYSCLK has the speed of 16 MHz, so HFCLK and SYSCLK dividers
* should be selected in a way, not to exceed 16 MHz for SYSCLK.
* PSoC 4100 \ PSoC 4100 BLE \ PSoC 4100M: The SYSCLK has the speed of 24 MHz,
* so HFCLK and SYSCLK dividers should be selected in a way, not to exceed 24 MHz
* for SYSCLK.
* For PSoC 4200M and PSoC 4200L device families, if WCO lock feature is enabled
* then this API will disable the lock, write the new IMO frequency and then
* re-enable the lock.
* For PSoC 4200L device families, this function enables the USB lock when 24 or
* 48 MHz passed as a parameter if the USB lock option is enabled in Design Wide
* Resources tab or CySysClkImoEnableUsbLock() was called before. Note the USB
* lock is disabled during IMO frequency change.
* The CPU is halted if new frequency is invalid and project is compiled
* in debug mode.
* If the SYSCLK clock frequency increases during the device operation, call
* \ref CySysFlashSetWaitCycles() with the appropriate parameter to adjust the
* number of clock cycles the cache will wait before sampling data comes back
* from Flash. If the SYSCLK clock frequency decreases, you can call
* \ref CySysFlashSetWaitCycles() to improve the CPU performance. See
* \ref CySysFlashSetWaitCycles() description for more information.
* PSoC 4000: The System Clock (SYSCLK) has maximum speed of 16 MHz, so HFCLK
* and SYSCLK dividers should be selected in a way, to not to exceed 16 MHz for
* the System clock.
* \param freq All PSoC 4 families excluding the following: Valid range [3-48]
* with step size equals 1. PSoC 4000: Valid values are 24, 32, and 48.
* PSoC 4000S / PSoC 4100S / PSoC 4400: Valid range [24-48] with step size equals
* 4.