使用Radio Test Example 卡住了
The Radio Test Example shows how to configure the radio as a constant RX/TX carrier, modulated TX carrier, and RX/TX sweep.
The tests are controlled with simple one-letter commands via the serial port. At any time during the tests, you can set the radio parameters output power, bit rate, and channel. You can also set the time on each channel in sweep mode, in steps of 1 millisecond from 1 millisecond to 99 milliseconds.
The application starts with enabling the 16 MHz crystal oscillator and configuring the UART and interrupts. The main loop waits until it receives a command through the UART. Then it initiates the requested command.
The following one-letter commands are available:
a: Enter start channel for sweep/channel for constant carrier.
b: Enter end channel for sweep.
c: Start TX carrier.
d: Enter time on each channel (1 ms - 99 ms).
e: Cancel sweep/carrier.
m: Enter data rate.
o: Start modulated TX carrier.
p: Enter output power.
s: Print current delay, channels and so on.
r: Start RX sweep.
t: Start TX sweep.
x: Start RX carrier.
You can find the source code and project file of the example in the following folder: <InstallFolder>\examples\peripheral\radio_test
Test the Radio Test Example application by performing the following steps:
Compile and program the application.
Start a terminal emulator like PuTTY and connect to the used COM port with the following UART settings:
Baud rate: 115.200
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity
HW flow control: RTS/CTS
The text "RF Test" should appear at the top of the terminal.
Type any of the letters described above. An output text should be displayed in the PUTTY window, or a sweep or signal should be started.
Use a spectrum analyzer to confirm the behavior of the radio module.
我在开发板中下载了radio teat工程,打开了串口调试助手,通过USB转串口连接到了开发板上,
我在串口调试助手上输入命令 a 设置channel ,但是,当我输入这些单字符命令的时候,我在
上面文档中说的,我应该能看到RF Test ,这个我也看不到
请问 大佬,是否用过这个工程测试过模组,是如何设置参数,并发送相应的载波的呢?